Welcome to

Everyone knows Leetcode sucks, so we made something that sucks even more.

(also known as the 10th circle of Hell) is a suite of coding problems and puzzles that test something far beyond your programming ability: your sanity.

Each problem contains a description and some sample test cases. Your job is simple: solve the question by implementing the given method.

But there's a catch. If, while writing your solution, you do not type anything for 5 seconds (10 on hard), all your code will be deleted and you will have to start over. 😱

Keep typing and stay alive—stop and you will . 💀

Please select a problem below.

Easy Medium Hard
Sum Move Zeroes Product Except Self
Monkey Trouble Verify Palindrome 🇺🇸 Murica
Sleep-in Reverse Integer Find the Duplicate
Last Digit Merge Two Sorted Arrays Longest Increasing Subsequence
Sorted Search Maximum Subarray Maximum Product
Star Triangle Much In Common The Hardest One.

A note on JabbaScript

Jabba the Hutt enjoying a laugh.

All problems are written in JavaScript, a language syntactically similar to Java. Here's some helpful tips to know about JavaScript before coding:

The best part about JavaScript is that everything is very Googleable!